Starts May 30th
Expected to Last 7 - 10 Days On May 30, MCDD will begin working with contractors to repair damage to the levees caused by recent high water on the Columbia River. The work will be focused in two areas. On the North side of Bridgeton road across from NE 1st Pl. At this location work is expected to begin approximately May 30, and last for 7-10 working days. On the North side of Marine Drive, just west from NE 122nd Ave. At this location work is expected to begin approximately June 12, and last for 5 working days. All work is permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and repaired areas will be more resistant to future erosion because of the repairs. The project will:
MCDD been working with partners, residents and landowners immediately adjacent to work areas to manage parking and other issues. Some minor traffic delays may be necessary as crews transport materials and heavy equipment to the work sites. Direct questions to: Joel Schoening MCDD Community Affairs Manager 503.281.5675 ext. 302 | 541.954.4680
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The BNA board is recommending that an expansion permit request by American Petroleum Environmental Service, Inc. (APES) be denied. Bridgeton neighbors can add their voice through the Metro public comment process which is open until May 19th. Metro information on the public comment process. The BNA Board is recommending the permit be denied based on these facts:
Here is the draft of the BNA Board's letter to Metro recommending the expansion permit be denied. You can add your suggestions in the comment section below. The Oregon Department of Transportation has some upcoming paving work off Oregon 99E (Pacific Highway East/NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard) in Northeast Portland.
The project locations are:
Work is expected to begin May 8. Thank you, Katelyn Jackson (Hilsenbeck) ODOT Region 1 Community Affairs Just another follow up on this issue. As I’m sure you are aware, we are still restricting parking in the same areas along Bridgeton Rd. near an area of erosion on the levee. We had some geotechnical engineers evaluate the erosion last week and are working with the Corps to develop next steps. Current river forecasts predict the River to rise above 16’ (minor flood stage) again later this week. We still believe that restricting parking in that area to reduce risk and increase access is the most prudent course of action at this time. We understand that this is an inconvenience and we appreciate your patience. Joel Schoening Community Affairs Manager Spring Clean Up is Saturday, May 20. We're looking for volunteers. Sign up here and check in at the Channel's Edge on the 20th. Get a donut and coffee...FREE! Then get to work helping neighbors make Beautiful Bridgeton... beautiful. Holiday Get Together at The Channel's Edge
Hosted by the BNA Board Tuesday, November 29th | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Meet and vote for your neighborhood association board members and spread a little holiday cheer at the Channel's Edge. Help elect the board and keep Bridgeton a thriving and unique neighborhood. The BNA is a community organization working on the issues and needs of our neighborhood: the environment, land use, safety and community. Board Members Up for Election Bridget Bayer Bill Coffman Georgy Gonzales Karen Kane Ann Neuenschwander Scott Niesen Jon Peterson Leslie Sawyer Kim Swenson Walter Valenta Matt Whitney If you would like to join the board let us know. Just reply to this email. Write-ins and floor nominations will be welcomed at the meeting. Add Your Voice – Get Involved Being a board member doesn't have to be a huge time commitment. Contribute your energies on projects that match your skills and interests and help make the decisions that make Portland's smallest neighborhood the city's best kept secretThe board is finalizing the agenda and we'll send more detail soon. Bring your your favorite gardening tool, shovel, spade, gloves and your green thumb and make Bridgeton more beautiful than it already is.
Meet at the Channels Edge for pre-party at 10:00. Weather permitting, there will be an MCDD crew on the levee this Thursday or Friday using herbicide to manage vegetation. As usual, there will be signage posted while work is underway. Here's background information on MCDD's use of herbicide to manage vegetation on the levees and in drainage channels. HOT DOG! It's the Bridgeton & Roth Estates Neighborhood Picnic.
Saturday, August 13 | 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Get a free hot dog & get to know your neighbors. Bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share. Live music by Memphis Shorty & His Big Band. Door prizes (outdoor prizes anyway) for Grown Ups. Games for Kids. |
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