Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020
6:30-7:30pm Join the Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/887773577?pwd=NUhwejlpNHdZazhIZzB6V2I0RmYzQT09 AGENDA: Board elections and Bylaws revision approval. Meeting ID: 887 773 577 Passcode: 001803 One tap mobile +13462487799,,887773577#,,,,,,0#,,001803# US (Houston) +16699009128,,887773577#,,,,,,0#,,001803# US (San Jose) Dial by location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 887 773 577 Passcode: 001803 Find a local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kONeT0o7s October 15, 2019 6:30 PM - Networking 7:00-9:00 PM Meeting Marriott Courtyard Portland North 1231 N. Anchor Way Join neighbors for networking and information tables from local community groups starting at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held in the evening, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm, at the Portland Courtyard Marriott, 1250 N Anchor Way, Portland, OR 97217. New This Year! Bring winter coats or warm clothing and donate them to the Warm Winter Clothes Collection for our neighbors at Dignity Village. BNA Warm Clothing Collection will take place at the BNA Annual Fall Meeting Tuesday, October 15, 2019. YOU ARE INVITED! Get active in the Bridgeton Neighborhood Association! Everyone can help in some way. Join an existing committee or spearhead a project of your interest! BNA Committees Board of Directors - Steering neighborhood activities to keep Bridgeton neighbors connected and informed. Meets on the 2nd Tues. every month. Board members are elected for a 1-year term. Communications - Helping to collect and share info through signs, social media, flyers, emails and website. Land Use Committee - Representing Bridgeton at meetings including Mult. Co. Drainage District, Levy Ready, City and State Transportation projects. Meets on the 1st Monday, every other month. Green Team - Focusing on health and sustainability by promoting, advocating and creating a clean, healthy environment. Meets on the 3rd Wed, every other month. Events - Planning and coordination of picnics, street sale, annual cleanup, and other happenings in the neighborhood. Safety - organizing Neighborhood Watch groups, coordinating with city outreach programs. Beautification - Cleanups, plantings, and other aesthetic improvements to the public space. Fund Raising - Help us continue with these valuable projects! All meetings are open to the public More information at http://www.livebridgeton.com.
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