Taking care to let Bridgeton neighbors know about important information, events and activities in our neighborhood!
There are 4 ways that committee members provide outreach in our neighborhood:
1 Flyers - Neither snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep BNA Communications Committee members from delivering event flyers to BNA neighbors. Usually tucked under your front door mat, almost 500 flyers are delivered to the door of every home in our area.. Volunteers who deliver flyers report, “It's a great way to meet people and catch up with neighbors.”
2 LiveBridgeton.com website - You're looking at it! Please let us know if you have suggestions or ideas to improve the site. Email [email protected]
3 Social Media - Like us, Share and interact online
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/BridgetonPDX/
Nextdoor Bridgeton - https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood_feed/
Instagram - #Bridgetonpdx, https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bridgetonpdx/
4 Street signs posted on A-board 1-2 weeks before events.