On January 7, 2020 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a report detailing their proposed $158M plan to upgrade the Columbia River levee system along the Oregon waterfront from the Sandy River to nearly Smith & Bybee Lakes. As climate change confronts us, the risk of severe flooding from extreme weather events increases substantially. This threat is in direct conflict with our growing city and its reliance on the infrastructure of the airport and industry in the bottomlands, and creates an ever increasing risk for the growing population in this area. Our defenses against flooding are inadequate, and levee upgrades are welcome and necessary.
However, as residents along the waterfront - living atop, behind, and in front of the levee, the citizens of Bridgeton see our community put at an existential risk by this proposal.
Here are links to further information to keep informed of the latest in this discussion.
Respond to the Proposal
USACE Documents
It is vital that neighbors submit their comments to the Army Corps. A flood of commentary regardless of content (keep it professional) will indicate strong neighborhood involvement. The comment period extends through 2/14/20.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CENWP-PM ATTN: Laura Hicks P.O. Box 2946 Portland, OR 97208-2946 503-808-4510 [email protected]