7/5/17 BNA Green Team meeting notes
Bridget Bayer, Laura Miller, Karen McCausland, Jon Peterson (Peter Wilcox not attending) Team Communications Add Karen & Laura to FB admin so they can post too (Scott/Susan) Start FB event page - BB Announce Green Team on next E-newsletter (Scott/Susan) Susan will help manage our “space” on BNA website for our information & referral resources. AIR DEQ - Bridget Letters were sent to DEQ re APES & ORRCO permits for public comment by 7/3/17. Now time to send to APES & ORCCO bizs too. WATER - Karen Division of State Land (DSL) says that they are not responsible for pollution. Karen contacted DEQ or Mult. Co Sheriff. Re “anchor squats” or live-aboards. DSL organized and inventoried (with assistance from PPD & River Patrol, part of Mult Co Sheriff) in order to notify & give civil notices to all. Karen will get copy of notices that are being distributed. Contacted Sophia Chavier, Neighborhood Crime Coordinator so they are in the loop too. LAND Signs - Laura Laura contacted Mike Corrie ,PBOT from City of Portland who approved a new Dead End sign which is now installed on the North side, on a stand alone pole. Contact: Mike Corrie, Engineering Associate, PBOT Traffic Investigations P: (503) 823-5278, [email protected] Bump refreshing? Can we get our boats at speed bump signs refreshed? The BNA Land Use committee is managing the process for signs on triangle & street cap signs. – Check with Eric Molander for progress. Jon - House & neighborhood upgrade – wants strong, “Scandinavian” house colors Triangle – Need new maintenance gardener for triangle: Dan Riedel - ??? or Dan McGee? Safety - Laura Cherry Ann & Ann Howell are both trained in NET and will share resources to put on our site. Add Neighborhood Watch info & environmental safety by design published by PPB. NOTE: Blue Frog just added cameras – list other marinas on the site too? Garbage & Recycling - Bridget Research all garbage & recycling handlers to coordinate if possible. Arrow picks up on Tues. Make Metro resources available at picnic (in Green Team notebook, flyers and giveaways). Next meeting – Wednesday, Aug 2nd 4:30-6:00pm, at Channel’s Edge BNA Green Team Meetings: 1st Wednesdays, 4:30pm @ Channel’s Edge The BNA Green Team will research and share information that helps Bridgeton neighbors learn about resources and strategies for a clean, healthy and resilient environment. We want to be a resource to our neighbors by providing information and referrals for better air, water and land use services, products and resources for safety, garbage, recycling, alternative power, emergency info and so much more!. Activities: Information & Referral - communication and resources for Bridgeton neighbors
Green Team Today Jon Peterson Karen McCausland Laura Miller Peter Wilcox Bridget Bayer BNA asks Metro to deny the expansion permit requests by APES and to discontinue operation by ORRCO5/14/2017
May 14, 2017
Metro Solid Waste Information Compliance & Cleanup 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232 [email protected] RE: Public comment American Petroleum Environmental Services, Inc. solid waste facility license Oil Re-Refining Company, Inc. solid waste facility license renewal To Metro Administrators, It is difficult to calculate how much toxic air that local residents in North and Northeast Portland breathe on a daily basis. Diesel truck traffic, Portland International Raceway cars spewing exhaust and nearby industrial manufacturers on Swan Island all combine to pollute the air we breathe. Most of these polluters are hard to monitor except those required by DEQ and permitted for handling waste by Metro. DEQ knows that the amount of poison emitted from APES and ORRCO, local businesses on Hayden Island that collect and refine oil for resale, are two of the worst offenders. In reprocessing used oil, these two companies emit more than 300 hazardous agents that threaten human health as well as the natural environment. Emission reports for these companies are continually not available to the public. Metro intervened in the past to halt some of ORRCO’s questionable practices because of inappropriate handling and storage of the used oil products they consolidate and reload. Please consider the policies and loopholes that allow these hazardous materials to be used in our neighborhood and transported through the Metro region. We ask that Metro deny the expansion permit request by APES and the continued operation by ORRCO until such time as these companies considerably improve their handling of used oil products. The mutual agreement between DEQ and APES for its expansion plans are flawed and need to include technological improvements that can be monitored as well as more detailed plans to store and transport this waste. Please deny these permit requests from APES and ORCCO. Sincerely, Karen Kane, Chair Bridgeton Neighborhood Association Board |
Our PurposeThe BNA Green Team: BNA Green Team MeetingsJoin us monthly:
Every other month 4:30 - 6:00pm, dates & locations vary, contact [email protected] for the latest updates. Archives
September 2023
Garbage & Recycling
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) https://emswcd.org/about/ Multnomah County Master Gardeners www.multnomahmastergardeners.org/findmg METRO Yard & Garden https://www.oregonmetro.gov/tools-living/yard-and-garden Native plants https://www.oregonmetro.gov/tools-living/yard-and-garden/plants Ask Metro 503-234-3000 SAFETY
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