BNA Clean & Green Team has organized a neighborhood-wide litter clean up along Bridgeton Road, Marine Drive & Anchor Way, Join neighbors to pick up litter and remove graffiti! Saturday, Oct 24 9:00am - 12:00pm 12:00pm - Refreshments & prize giveaways will follow the clean up. Plan to wear masks and bright clothing to keep safe, and socially-distant. Meet at the old Channel's Edge parking lot, 207 N. Bridgeton Rd. to join a team that will focus on the West end, Marine Drive, East end, or Roth Estates! Thanks to our friendly neighborhood Lowe's at Delta Park for donating bulbs to plant in our beloved triangle entry. Join the BNA Clean & Green Team for a short presentation from Greg Bourget, Cascadia Action, on the Clean Air Cooperative that mobilizes a coalition of neighbors to reduce pollution.
Cascadia Action works to connect affected communities with each other through a system of “spokes” people who serve as a two-way communication link between their group and other participants. BNA Clean & Green Team Meeting on Zoom Oct 8, 4:00-5:00pm Meeting ID: 861 8410 9225 Passcode: BNA2020 |
Our PurposeThe BNA Green Team: BNA Green Team MeetingsJoin us monthly:
Every other month 4:30 - 6:00pm, dates & locations vary, contact [email protected] for the latest updates. Archives
September 2023
Garbage & Recycling
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) Multnomah County Master Gardeners METRO Yard & Garden Native plants Ask Metro 503-234-3000 SAFETY
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