7/5/17 BNA Green Team meeting notes
Bridget Bayer, Laura Miller, Karen McCausland, Jon Peterson (Peter Wilcox not attending) Team Communications Add Karen & Laura to FB admin so they can post too (Scott/Susan) Start FB event page - BB Announce Green Team on next E-newsletter (Scott/Susan) Susan will help manage our “space” on BNA website for our information & referral resources. AIR DEQ - Bridget Letters were sent to DEQ re APES & ORRCO permits for public comment by 7/3/17. Now time to send to APES & ORCCO bizs too. WATER - Karen Division of State Land (DSL) says that they are not responsible for pollution. Karen contacted DEQ or Mult. Co Sheriff. Re “anchor squats” or live-aboards. DSL organized and inventoried (with assistance from PPD & River Patrol, part of Mult Co Sheriff) in order to notify & give civil notices to all. Karen will get copy of notices that are being distributed. Contacted Sophia Chavier, Neighborhood Crime Coordinator so they are in the loop too. LAND Signs - Laura Laura contacted Mike Corrie ,PBOT from City of Portland who approved a new Dead End sign which is now installed on the North side, on a stand alone pole. Contact: Mike Corrie, Engineering Associate, PBOT Traffic Investigations P: (503) 823-5278, [email protected] Bump refreshing? Can we get our boats at speed bump signs refreshed? The BNA Land Use committee is managing the process for signs on triangle & street cap signs. – Check with Eric Molander for progress. Jon - House & neighborhood upgrade – wants strong, “Scandinavian” house colors Triangle – Need new maintenance gardener for triangle: Dan Riedel - ??? or Dan McGee? Safety - Laura Cherry Ann & Ann Howell are both trained in NET and will share resources to put on our site. Add Neighborhood Watch info & environmental safety by design published by PPB. NOTE: Blue Frog just added cameras – list other marinas on the site too? Garbage & Recycling - Bridget Research all garbage & recycling handlers to coordinate if possible. Arrow picks up on Tues. Make Metro resources available at picnic (in Green Team notebook, flyers and giveaways). Next meeting – Wednesday, Aug 2nd 4:30-6:00pm, at Channel’s Edge BNA Green Team Meetings: 1st Wednesdays, 4:30pm @ Channel’s Edge |
Our PurposeThe BNA Green Team: BNA Green Team MeetingsJoin us monthly:
Every other month 4:30 - 6:00pm, dates & locations vary, contact [email protected] for the latest updates. Archives
September 2023
Garbage & Recycling
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) https://emswcd.org/about/ Multnomah County Master Gardeners www.multnomahmastergardeners.org/findmg METRO Yard & Garden https://www.oregonmetro.gov/tools-living/yard-and-garden Native plants https://www.oregonmetro.gov/tools-living/yard-and-garden/plants Ask Metro 503-234-3000 SAFETY
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