One significant way in which Marinas can further their environmental goals is by becoming certified as environmentally responsible entities. This initiative not only aligns with Portland's dedication to preserving its natural beauty but also offers numerous benefits to marina owners, boating enthusiasts, and the entire community.
Website: Oregon Clean Marina Program There are a number of requirements that must be done before a marina is able to be certified. The following list is essential before certification can be attained: 1. Learn about the Program: To embark on the journey toward becoming a certified marina, it's essential to acquaint yourself with the Oregon Clean Marina Program. For detailed information, reach out to the program coordinator, Glenn Dolphin, at [email protected] or call at 503-856-6709. 2. Take the Clean Marina Pledge: Commence your certification process by taking the Clean Marina pledge. Sign the pledge form, demonstrating your commitment to achieving certification within one year or less. 3. Conduct a Self-Assessment: After studying the program guidebook, conduct a self-assessment of your facility. Utilize the provided checklist to evaluate your marina's compliance with program criteria. Alternatively, if you require technical guidance, contact the program coordinator for assistance in performing a comprehensive evaluation of your marina facilities. 4. Checklist Review: The checklist encompasses various categories, including moorage rules, boater education, ADV (Abandoned and Derelict Vessel) management, solid waste and stormwater management, sewage and common waste management, fueling practices, uplands and building maintenance, and emergency planning. Some checklist items may be obligatory by law, others by the program, and some optional for implementation. 5. Confirmation Visit: Upon verifying that your facility meets the necessary requirements, schedule a confirmation site visit. This visit involves the marina manager and the program coordinator. To achieve certification, a minimum passing score of 85% is required, though most certified facilities surpass this threshold. 6. Certification Attainment: Upon successfully meeting the program's standards, you will be awarded your certification along with other associated rewards (refer to incentives below). 7. Certification Maintenance: To ensure ongoing compliance with program standards, the program coordinator will schedule an on-site visit every three years. A free spill kit is included to certified marinas with various supply items, including a "no-spill jug," fuel nozzle, custom spill pads, or bilge socks at no cost. Join the Oregon Clean Marina Program today and contribute to the protection of our valuable marine environments. 2023.02.07 The BNA Clean & Green Team's focus has helped to keep our neighborhood litter free, pretty by organizing professional landscaping for the triangle entry at Gantenbein and by promoting, advocating for a healthy environment in the Bridgeton neighborhood.
In 2020, we started working with Cascadia Action mostly to partner with surrounding neighborhood associations support in asking industries to maintain the highest quality standards for clean emissions. Last year, in 2022, we started partnering with the City of Portland's Adopt One Block program. Volunteers choose a block near their residence and spend a few hours each month keeping it litter free. We're getting to the point of full coverage of our whole neighborhood! This year, 2023 we are helping to collect air samples, then advocating for ways to reduce diesel pollution in our neighborhood. This report from Portland Clean Air describes how our own immune system deals with the deleterious effects of diesel pollution. It tells us that we better focus even more now. BNA Clean & Green Team has organized a neighborhood-wide litter clean up along Bridgeton Road, Marine Drive & Anchor Way, Join neighbors to pick up litter and remove graffiti! Saturday, Oct 24 9:00am - 12:00pm 12:00pm - Refreshments & prize giveaways will follow the clean up. Plan to wear masks and bright clothing to keep safe, and socially-distant. Meet at the old Channel's Edge parking lot, 207 N. Bridgeton Rd. to join a team that will focus on the West end, Marine Drive, East end, or Roth Estates! Thanks to our friendly neighborhood Lowe's at Delta Park for donating bulbs to plant in our beloved triangle entry. Join the BNA Clean & Green Team for a short presentation from Greg Bourget, Cascadia Action, on the Clean Air Cooperative that mobilizes a coalition of neighbors to reduce pollution.
Cascadia Action works to connect affected communities with each other through a system of “spokes” people who serve as a two-way communication link between their group and other participants. BNA Clean & Green Team Meeting on Zoom Oct 8, 4:00-5:00pm Meeting ID: 861 8410 9225 Passcode: BNA2020 Join Bridgeton Neighbors (at a proper social distance) at our entry triangle
DIY Spring Triangle Spruce Up Saturday, April 11, 2020 10:00a, - 12:00 pm BYOT - Bring Your Own Tools!
We'll keep our social distance and spruce up the triangle!
![]() Recycling curbside in Portland is pretty simple and hasn’t changed much since 2018 with more efforts around ‘recycling right’ and keeping unwanted materials out of the recycling due to changes with international markets. Check below for ways to recycle right* *The BNA has instituted a Blue Bag Bottle Fundraiser that allows for bottle deposit money to add to our Neighborhood Clean Up fund. Get your bags and start “recycling for a cause” from Peg Molander. More details here: Metro Recycling Information Center is the best bet for up-to-date information. They have a Find a Recycler tool that offers many resources for disposal, recycling and reuse. They also have a new campaign called Recycle or Not that includes a game and Instagram option. CURBSIDE RECYCLING BASICS
· Don’t over pack your blue roll cart. Contents must fall out easily. · Weight limit is 135 lbs.
YES! Put these paper items together in your blue recycling roll cart: Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phone books, scrap paper, junk mail, cartons (milk, juice, soup), shredded paper (must be in paper bag), cardboard boxes. (Flatten small boxes for the blue roll cart. Flatten and bundle large boxes using twine or tape and place them next to the blue roll cart. Bundled cardboard must measure 36 in or less in any direction.) YES! Put these plastic items together in your blue recycling roll cart: Plastics recycling in the Portland Curbside Collection Service is based on size and shape not number. Put only these types of plastics in your blue recycling roll cart: bottles with neck smaller than base (6 oz or larger), tubs (6 oz or larger), plant pots (4 in or larger), or buckets (5 gal or smaller). Remember, no caps or lids. YES! Put these metal items together in your blue recycling roll cart: Aluminum, tin and steel food cans, empty dry metal paint cans, empty aerosol cans, aluminum foil, scrap metal (smaller than 30 in and less than 30 lbs). Collect small pieces of metal (beer bottle caps, glass jar lids, screws, nails) inside steel cans and crimp closed. ![]() YES! Put these glass items together in your yellow recycling bin: Put glass on the side in the yellow recycling bin. Mix all colors together (labels are ok) and keep separate at the curb in yellow glass bin or other rigid plastic container with “Glass Only” sticker. YES! You can recycle motor oil at the curb: Put motor oil in a clear plastic bottle with a screw-on lid. Place next to roll cart or bin. Don't mix with other liquids. NO! These common items cannot be recycled: Plastic bags, diapers, propane cylinders, coffee cups/lids/pods, rigid plastics including "clamshells," plastic containers under 6 oz., prescription medicine bottles, latex gloves, disposable utensils, produce baskets, plastic lids and caps, plastic bottles that have come in contact with motor oil, pesticides and herbicide bottles, Tupperware, Rubbermaid, other reusable dishware, freezer and refrigerator boxes, hard copy books, light bulbs, drinking glasses, flower vases, ceramics, broken glass. Redeemable*: As of Jan. 1, 2018, more types of beverage containers carry a 10-cent deposit. These include bottles and cans for tea, coffee, fruit juice, coconut water, hard cider and kombucha, as well as beer, soft drinks and water containers. These are accepted at some grocery stores and all BottleDrop Centers. Not accepted at BottleDrop Centers: Wine, liquor, dairy or plant-based milk, infant formula and metal cans that require a can opener. BNA Fundraiser The BNA has instituted a Blue Bag Bottle Fundraiser that allows for bottle deposit money to add to our Neighborhood Clean Up fund. Get your bags and start “recycling for a cause” from Tom Hickey (west end) or Bridget Bayer (east end). More details here: ![]() The BNA worked on starting a community-based conservation program using our beloved triangle entry to Bridgeton neighborhood as a model. During our annual Spring Clean Up, the BNA Green Team organized a landscape improvement project. Nine neighbors contributed sweat equity to remove invasive species, clean debris and weeds, and create a welcoming look. We distributed METRO print materials about the benefits of sustainable plants, gardening methods and conservationism in the Columbia River slough environment. Shortly after, BNA neighbors installed a boat delightfully painted to welcome people to our neighborhood. The native-only flowering plants were donated by neighbors. We didn’t plan on the fact that the boat, made of aluminum, would be so valuable to scrappers, and it disappeared not long after the plants took hold. Our generous neighbors rallied and not only found another boat, wood this time, but donated almost all the materials to secure it firmly in place the second time. The second round of improvements were partly purchased but did include some donated plants. Another neighbor group took advantage of the long Fall season to add more plants and spring bulbs to enhance the beauty of our triangle. Neighbors learned about our work in person, on our website,, on social media and at two neighborhood-wide meetings. Participating volunteers received a ball cap that recognized them for their community service and environmental practices. We thank East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District 2018-2019 SPACE Small Projects and Community Events grants for kick-starting this valuable project! |
Our PurposeThe BNA Green Team: BNA Green Team MeetingsJoin us monthly:
Every other month 4:30 - 6:00pm, dates & locations vary, contact [email protected] for the latest updates. Archives
September 2023
Garbage & Recycling
East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District (EMSWCD) Multnomah County Master Gardeners METRO Yard & Garden Native plants Ask Metro 503-234-3000 SAFETY
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